Si Nos Enseñaran a Perder, Ganaríamos Siempre / If We Were Taught How to Lose, We Would Always Win

Si Nos Enseñaran a Perder, Ganaríamos Siempre / If We Were Taught How to Lose, We Would Always Win

Hardback (19 Jan 2021) | Spanish

  • $26.74
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Publisher's Synopsis

Si miras la vida de cerca, no tiene ningún sentido.

¡Aléjate y disfrútala!

Este libro entronca con ese increìble verso: &«Al lugar donde has sido feliz no debieras tratar de volver». Es una de las verdades más grandes que existe y perder ese lugar jamás es triste porque siempre llegarán otros diferentes y mejores.


If you look at life closely, it doesn't make any sense. Stand back and enjoy it!
This book connects with this incredible verse: "Don't try to return to the places where you have been the most happy." It is one of the greatest truths that exists, and losing those places should never be sad because different and better ones are sure to come.

Book information

ISBN: 9788425358258
Publisher: PRH Grupo Editorial
Imprint: Grijalbo
Pub date:
Language: Spanish
Number of pages: 248
Weight: 686g
Height: 236mm
Width: 157mm
Spine width: 26mm