El Crimen Es Cosa De Damas / Crime Is a Ladies' Thing

El Crimen Es Cosa De Damas / Crime Is a Ladies' Thing Club Secreto De Detectives / Secret Detectives Club - Cozy Mystery Juvenil

Hardback (01 Jan 2025) | Spanish

  • $24.24

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Publisher's Synopsis

El dìa que Hazel descubre a la profesora de Ciencias muerta en el gimnasio ¡su vida cambia por competo! Al principio piensa que ha sufrido un accidente, pero cuando va a dar parte de lo sucedido, EL CADÁVER DE LA PROFESORA DESAPARECE. ¡Es el caso que llevaban tanto tiempo esperando! Cuando Daisy Wells y Hazel Wong fundaron su CLUB DE DETECTIVES, su mayor sueño era el de participar en alguna investigación SECRETA y por fin habìa llegado la oportunidad que estaban esperando. Como Holmes y Watson, Daisy y Hazel utilizarán todo su ingenio para DESCUBRIR AL ASESINO antes de que lo haga la policìa. Porque ¿quién ha dicho que resolver crìmenes no es cosa de damas?

The day Hazel discovers the dead science teacher in the gym, her life changes completely! At first she thinks she has suffered an accident, but when she goes to report what happened, THE TEACHER'S BODY DISAPPEARS. It's the case they've been waiting for so long! When Daisy Wells and Hazel Wong founded their DETECTIVE CLUB, their biggest dream was to participate in some SECRET investigation and finally the opportunity they were waiting for had arrived. As Holmes and Watson, Daisy and Hazel will use all their wits to DISCOVER THE KILLER before the police do. Because who said that solving crimes is not a matter for ladies?

Book information

ISBN: 9788419599469
Publisher: Editorial Alma
Imprint: Editorial Alma
Pub date:
Language: Spanish
Number of pages: 304
Weight: -1g
Height: 197mm
Width: 127mm