Observar Las Estrellas

Observar Las Estrellas Una Guía Completa De Las 88 Constelaciones

Hardback (01 Oct 2020) | Spanish

  • $39.24
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Publisher's Synopsis

Our boundless night sky is full of stars, but did you know that it's full of pictures and stories too? Thousands of years ago, people gazed up at the sky and saw groups of stars that looked like they could be connected to form pictures. They named these star groups after gods, animals and objects, and told stories about them that were passed down through generations. They used the stars for navigation, crop prediction and as a way to mark the seasons. This is the ultimate guide to all 88 internationally recognized constellations. It offers the fascinating stories and legends behind each star group, and helps you find them in the night sky via key star information, location descriptions and maps. Once you've read the stories, you'll never look up at the night sky the same way again!


Book information

ISBN: 9788416407859
Publisher: Cinco Tintas
Imprint: Cinco Tintas
Pub date:
Language: Spanish
Number of pages: 216
Weight: 930g
Height: 241mm
Width: 216mm
Spine width: 23mm