Advanced Control Methods Applicable to Industrial Processing System

Advanced Control Methods Applicable to Industrial Processing System

Paperback (25 Aug 2021)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Advanced control method especially intelligent control methods have been widely applied in industrial processing. This book gives an introduction for industrial processing control system design and temperature system has been chosen to be the main controlled objects. Two advanced control methods are proposed in this book to deal with the shortcomings of the conventional control methods that can be concluded as nonlinearity, large dead time, and strong coupling influence, respectively. For the coupling influence and dead time difference in the multi-point temperature control system, a pole-zero cancellation method is proposed. While for the nonlinearity and large dead time of the control objects, a reference-model-based artificial neural network (NN) method is proposed. By this book, the readers will learn how to design and analyze complex industrial processing systems.

Book information

ISBN: 9786138959625
Publisher: KS Omniscriptum Publishing
Imprint: Scholars' Press
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 112
Weight: 177g
Height: 229mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 7mm