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Descubriendo El Mágico Mundo De Pedro Figari

Descubriendo El Mágico Mundo De Pedro Figari - El Mágico Mundo De...

1st edition

Hardback (01 Feb 2015) | Spanish

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Publisher's Synopsis

Hola, soy Pedro Figari, el artista uruguayo que pintó con manchas y colores la vida de su paìs: el gaucho y sus danzas, el mundo afro de los candombes y velorios, el universo del tango… Pero, ¿sabìas que empecé a pintar a los 60 años? ¿Y sabìas que antes de pintor fui abogado, periodista, educador, escritor y polìtico? ¿Por qué lo abandoné todo para dedicarme a la pintura? Abre el libro y presta atención que te lo cuento.

Hi, I'm Pedro Figari, the Uruguayan artist who painted the life of my country-its gauchos and dances, African candomblés and visitations, and the world of tango-with stains and colors. But did you know that I began painting when I was 60 years old? And that prior to that, I was a lawyer, journalist, educator, writer, and politician? Why did I leave it all behind to become a painter? Open up this book and listen to what I have to tell you.

Book information

ISBN: 9786077354666
Publisher: Editorial Oceano de Mexico
Imprint: Oceano Travesia
Pub date:
Edition: 1st edition
Language: Spanish
Number of pages: 34
Weight: -1g
Height: 292mm
Width: 216mm