The New Design: Shelves and Bookcases

The New Design: Shelves and Bookcases

Paperback (23 Jun 2015)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Most areas of the house need storage areas for certain valued objects. Interior design plays a crucial role in creating suitable spaces to work and to keep at hand highly appraised articles. A number of factors must be considered, such as the need of specific tasks to be carried out, as well as lighting, personality of the inhabitants, current trends in shapes, colors and textures, etc. The aim ofThe New Design: Shelves and Bookcasesis to provide the reader with practical ideas for storing things they invariably possess, including day to day utensils, books, ornaments, artwork, family mementos and anything that needs to be put away, displayed in the most stylish and comfortable manner possible.

Book information

ISBN: 9786074372533
Publisher: AM Editores
Imprint: AM Editores
Pub date:
Number of pages: 280
Weight: -1g