Publisher's Synopsis
En vìsperas de la Primera Guerra Mundial, una niña es abandonada en un barco con destino a Australia. Una misteriosa mujer llamada la Autora ha prometido cuidar de ella, pero la Autora desaparece sin dejar rastro... Un terrible secreto sale a la luz... En la noche de su veintiún cumpleaños, Nell O'Connor descubre que es adoptada, lo que cambiará su vida para siempre. Décadas más tarde, se embarca en la búsqueda de la verdad de sus antepasados que la lleva a la ventosa costa de Cornualles. Una misteriosa herencia que llega en el siglo XXI... A la muerte de Nell, su nieta Casandra recibe una inesperada herencia: una cabaña y su olvidado jardìn en las tierras de Cornualles que es conocido por la gente por los secretos que estos esconden. Aquì es donde Casandra descubrirá finalmente la verdad sobre la familia y resolverá el misterio, que se remonta un siglo, de una niña desaparecida. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION A tiny girl is abandoned on a ship headed for Australia in 1913. She arrives completely alone with nothing but a small suitcase containing a few clothes and a single book—a beautiful volume of fairy tales. She is taken in by the dock master and his wife and raised as their own. On her twenty-first birthday they tell her the truth, and with her sense of self shattered and with very little to go on, "Nell" sets out on a journey to England to try to trace her story, to find her real identity. Her quest leads her to Blackhurst Manor on the Cornish coast and the secrets of the doomed Mountrachet family. But it is not until her granddaughter, Cassandra, takes up the search after Nell's death that all the pieces of the puzzle are assembled. At Cliff Cottage, on the grounds of Blackhurst Manor, Cassandra discovers the forgotten garden of the book's title and is able to unlock the secrets of the beautiful book of fairy tales. This is a novel of outer and inner journeys and an homage to the power of storytelling. The Forgotten Garden is filled with unforgettable characters who weave their way through its spellbinding plot to astounding effect.