Publisher's Synopsis
Since the inception of planet earth, the human beings on it have been sticking, inquiring,
wonderingand striving for accomplishing "La Dolce Vita" an Epicurean philosophy of passing
sweet and gentle life (Bhattacharya, 2006). The characteristic feature of their life is their
effort to make this as a wholesome by applying their brain processes for reciprocating and sharing
in order to prove their physical, social, mental and spiritual current of well-being. The science
and technology has further multiplied and polished the inner resources of people in the
contemporary scenario. As a result, the people on the earth have witnessed a tremendous
growth in every sphere.The minds of the certain people have over-advanced and they are
always in a search of ease.According to Hastir (2011), for achieving happiness and
tangible benefits, the human beings even do not hesitate to exploit other (July 20). For the
same, they may use their inner resources for achieving crude worldly pleasure
(Anandamurti, 2011) despite being tormented by the environmental stimuli. The endeavor to
accomplish such affable aspirations however were slower in Stone Age or Lithic period
due to their underdeveloped mental processes led by various socio-psychological factors
such as poverty, deprivation, illiteracy, lack of information, communication and knowledge
thosefueled and progressed with the advent of science and technology (Box & Englehart,
2006) as already mentioned above in the contemporary scenarios. Now the present civilization is
moving from 'eopolis' (village community with permanent habitation) to dynopolis' (not
only for the man but also for his cars, airplanes, helicopters and rockets) by
crossing 'metropolis' (mother city), 'megalopolis' (social decline of human community);
and 'tyrannopolis' (formation of ghost town) stages as well as 'invisible city', a
product of revolution in communications and electronic transmission.The advanced brain
and mind has been proving as a milestone for promoting the well-being of the people across the
For fulfilling the cherished dream and attaining happiness the people are now migrating from
villages to the cities in hope to improve their life.This perception is amongst middle and
low caste families who suffer from marginalization or extreme prolonged deprivation. In rural
areas the poverty has enmeshed the people belonging to scheduled castes and scheduled tribe. They
have less tenured land as compared to their elite high caste people. The present generations from
such families