Haft Unterm Hakenkreuz

Haft Unterm Hakenkreuz Bautzen I Und II 1933-1945. Katalog Zur Ausstellung

Paperback (06 Dec 2018) | German

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Publisher's Synopsis

The new permanent exhibition deals with the Bautzen prisons as places of Nazi repression, illuminating a previously neglected topic: Hitler's prisons as part of the Nazi terror regime. The exhibition focuses on case histories of the men and women who were imprisoned as opponents to the Nazi regime in Bautzen: Communists, Social Democrats, homosexuals, Jehovah's Witnesses, Jews and Sorbs, small-time criminals branded antisocial and people held in prison for listening to foreign radio stations. Also, the perpetrators' stories are told, in a way that highlights how the Nazi ideology was established in the ranks of judicial officers. Texts, historical documents, photographs and objects illuminate the inhuman Nazi justice. Finally, the exhibition deals with the years after 1945.

Book information

ISBN: 9783954984404
Publisher: Sandstein Verlag
Imprint: Sandstein Verlag
Pub date:
Language: German
Number of pages: 176
Weight: 499g