History of German Porn

History of German Porn

Hardback (04 Jun 2009)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Antique Roman writer Tacitus described the Germans as a tough and wild folk running naked through the wilderness. Several centuries later they wear lederhosen, eat Schnitzel and drive unbreakable cars. But that's not the whole story. Like all nations, the Germans have dirty secrets - and they love porn! This stunning collection of vintage photography from the Gretchen Kraut Archive follows the history of German porn - from its early days in the 19th century to the lascivious 1920s, the crazy 1930s and the Swinging 60s.

About the Publisher


We're all about The Sexy, The Weird and The Extraordinary. We believe in fun and art - and of course in good photography. Our mission is to explore and re-create definitions. What is art? What is trash? What is interesting? We often get asked, if GOLIATH was an 'erotic publisher'. It's yes and no. Yes, we like trash, who doesn't? No, we publish art. Who says art isn't allowed to be trash? We're the rebel publisher and our photographers are creative, often multitasking artists with a sixth sense for style, zeitgeist, new visual concepts and the unconventional. At GOLIATH we are deeply committed to high standards in production and design as well as to the high artistic quality of our publications.

Book information

ISBN: 9783936709377
Publisher: Goliath
Imprint: Goliath
Pub date:
DEWEY: 779.280943
DEWEY edition: 22
Language: English
Number of pages: 256
Weight: 420g
Height: 217mm
Width: 358mm
Spine width: 22mm