Mac DeMarco

Mac DeMarco

Paperback (23 Apr 2019)

  • $18.12
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Publisher's Synopsis

During Mac DeMarco's European Tour in the fall 2017 Stefan Marx joined the band for a few stops to draw on stage during Mac DeMarco's live performance. Hiding in the back of the band, he got time to capture a unique view on the five musicians, the whole performance, some behind the scenes moments and the audience. This artist book contains most of the drawings from these concerts and is compiled by Stefan Marx, it is his 26th publication with Nieves. Stefan Marx is a Berlin based artist. His work is drawing based and exhibited internationally. His artist books are published by Nieves, Rollo-Press, and Christoph Keller Editions/JRP Ringier - beside these releases he publishes regulary by himself. All Smallville Records releases are visually defined by Marx' drawings. Since 2017 he works with the Berlin based porcelain manufacture KPM on various projects, he has lectured widely and taught Drawing at the Bauhaus University in Weimar.

Book information

ISBN: 9783907179024
Publisher: Nieves
Imprint: Nieves
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 40
Weight: 166g
Height: 207mm
Width: 257mm
Spine width: 5mm