Publisher's Synopsis
SIMATIC S7 programmable controllers are used to implement industrial control systems for machines, manufacturing plants and industrial processes. The relevant open–loop and closed–loop control tasks can be solved using the STEP 7 programming software, which has been developed on the basis of STEP 5, with its various programming languages.
This book describes elements and applications of the graphic–oriented LAD (ladder diagram) programming language for use with both SIMATIC S7–300 and SIMATIC S7–400. It is aimed at all users of SIMATIC S7 programmable controllers. First–time users will be introduced to the field of programmable logic control whereas advanced users will learn about specific applications of SIMATIC S7 programmable controllers.
The enclosed disk contains all programming examples described in the book – and a few extra examples – also intended as exercises. The examples can be viewed, modified and tested using STEP 7.
Contents: Principle of Operation of a Programmable Controller – System Overview: SIMATIC S7 and STEP 7 – LAD Programming Language – Data Types – Binary and Digital Instructions – Program Sequence Control – User Program Execution