Das Christlich-Koptische Agypten in Arabischer Zeit (Teil 2: D-F)

Das Christlich-Koptische Agypten in Arabischer Zeit (Teil 2: D-F) Eine Sammlung Christlicher Satten in Agypten in Arabischer Zeit, Unter

Paperback (01 Feb 1985) | German

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Publisher's Synopsis

TAVO B volumes 1-6 are companions to two TAVO maps: B VI 15 (Egypt. Christianity up to the Arab Conquest [up to the 7th century]) and B VIII 5 (Egypt: Christianity in the Medieval and Modern Periods).The maps represent a collection of Christian sites in Egypt during Arab times, not including Alexandria, Cairo, the Apa-Mena monastery (Deir Abu Mina), the Sketis (Wadi Natrun) and the Sinai region.

Book information

ISBN: 9783882262094
Publisher: Dr Ludwig Reichert
Imprint: Dr Ludwig Reichert
Pub date:
DEWEY: 281.709021
Language: German
Number of pages: 478
Weight: 835g
Height: 0mm
Width: 0mm