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Indian Highway

Indian Highway

Paperback (30 Aug 2011)

  • $54.50
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Publisher's Synopsis

Following the rapid economic, social and cultural developments in India in recent years, Indian Highway is a timely presentation of the pioneering work being made in the country today. This book, and the exhibition at the Serpentine Gallery in London it accompanies, is a snapshot of a vibrant generation of artists working across a range of media. Its theme reflects the importance of the road in migration, as well as referencing technology and the 'information superhighway' that has been central to India's economic boom.

Book information

ISBN: 9783865609632
Publisher: Walther König
Imprint: Walther König
Pub date:
DEWEY: 709.540905
DEWEY edition: 22
Language: English
Number of pages: 320
Weight: 1398g
Height: 255mm
Width: 222mm
Spine width: 25mm