Maize Response to Zinc with different SAR Levels

Maize Response to Zinc with different SAR Levels

Paperback (30 Sep 2011)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Availability of good quality irrigation water in sufficient quantities is becoming serious threat to world crop production. Several soil, plant and climatic factors influence Zinc availability and uptake by crops. Farmers generally apply ground water of different SAR. We evaluated the effect of Zinc (Zn) application on shoot growth and shoot Zn concentration and uptake by two maize cultivars (Hybrid: FHY-993 and Synthetic: C-20) on a loam soil irrigated with water of different sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) levels. The result of present study indicated the importance of the Zn nutritional status of plants in improving salt stress condition. Adequate Zn nutrition is, therefore, important for the maintenance of good growth and yield under sodic condions. The objective of present research was to asses the response of maize to Zn application irrigated with water of different SAR levels.

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Book information

ISBN: 9783843323536
Publisher: KS Omniscriptum Publishing
Imprint: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 92
Weight: 145g
Height: 229mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 6mm