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The Little Hippo

The Little Hippo A Children's Book Inspired by Egyptian Art - Children's Books Inspired by Famous Artworks

English edition

Hardback (21 Aug 2014)

  • $17.33
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Publisher's Synopsis

Drawing on ancient Egyptian sculptures seen in museums around the world, this enchanting story for children reveals the powerful connection between Egyptians and the hippopotami that inhabited the Nile. To the ancient Egyptians, the hippopotamus was one of the most dangerous animals in their world. The huge creatures were a hazard for small fishing boats and other river craft. But in this delightful story, a young boy befriends a little hippo and together they live out their days along the banks of the Nile. After many years, when the boy's life comes to an end, the hippo finds himself in a strange world populated with deserts, cities, forests, and finally a museum where he is reunited with his friends. Early Egyptian civilization has long been a source of curiosity and fascination for children. Through this simple, moving, and beautifully illustrated story young readers will discover how and why the hippopotamus was such an important figure in that ancient world.

About the Publisher


Prestel is one of the world's leading illustrated book publishers with a stunning list of beautifully crafted books on all aspects of art, architecture, photography and design. From the latest pop culture and fashion to major exhibition catalogues, Prestel ensures that quality reigns throughout everything they publish. Prestel is the publisher for art lovers, designers and those with an eye for beauty - young and old alike, Prestel appeals to all those with a passion for visual culture.

Book information

ISBN: 9783791371672
Publisher: Prestel Publishing
Imprint: Prestel
Pub date:
Edition: English edition
DEWEY: 833.92
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 32
Weight: 546g
Height: 328mm
Width: 238mm
Spine width: 9mm