Publisher's Synopsis
In den Briefen des dritten Bandes ruckt der Philosoph Jacobi ins Zentrum, z.B. in denen an J. G. Herder und an F. Hemsterhuis und vor allem in dem beruhmt gewordenen Brief an Moses Mendelssohn vom November 1783, einem Hauptdokument dieses Bandes. Breiten Raum nehmen die Briefe an die Furstin Gallitzin in Munster ein. Die Korrespondenz dokumentiert die beginnenden Beziehungen zu Hamann und Herder und die wiederaufgenommene zu Goethe. Der private Bereich ist bestimmt durch den Tod des Sohnes Franz Theodor und der Gattin Helene Elisabeth. The letters in the third volume focus on the philosopher Jacobi, for example his letters to J. G. Herder and to F. Hemsterhuis. The famous letter to Moses Mendelssohn written in November of 1783, is one of the main documents of this volume. The letters to Princess Gallitzin in Munster also play a significant role. The correspondence documents the beginning of his relationships with Hamann and Herder and the renewal of his relationship with Goethe. In his private life, it was the death of his son Franz Theodor and his wife Helene Elisabeth which had the greatest impact.