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Beatrix Potter Painting Book Part 5 ( Peter Rabbit ):Colouring Book, coloring, crayons, coloured pencils colored, Children's books,  children, adults, adult, grammar school, Easter, Christmas, birthday, 5-8 years old, present, gift, primary school, presch

Beatrix Potter Painting Book Part 5 ( Peter Rabbit ):Colouring Book, coloring, crayons, coloured pencils colored, Children's books, children, adults, adult, grammar school, Easter, Christmas, birthday, 5-8 years old, present, gift, primary school, presch

Paperback (30 Jul 2018)

  • $8.69
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Publisher's Synopsis

This Beatrix Potter Painting Book part 5 contains 19 beautiful artwork illustrations taken from different original Beatrix Potter stories, revised by Elizabeth M. Potter. The illustrations are from the following Beatrix Potter tales: The Tale of Mr. Tod The Story of a Fierce Bad Rabbit Three Little Mice Wag-by-Wall Experience hours full of stress relief and enjoy to express your creativity through colouring. Use crayons, coloured pencils or water colours to give the illustrations a personal touch. Join the Beatrix Potter community and find yourself enchanted by the magical passion of inspiring colouring.

Book information

ISBN: 9783752866414
Publisher: Books on Demand Gmbh
Imprint: Bod - Books on Demand
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 42
Weight: 80g
Height: 209mm
Width: 148mm
Spine width: 8mm