Finding The Fourth Beatle: The 23 drummers who put the beat behind the Fab Three

Finding The Fourth Beatle: The 23 drummers who put the beat behind the Fab Three

Hardback (17 Aug 2018)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Finding The Fourth Beatle The is the story of The Beatles from 1956-1970 told through the 23 drummers, including Colin Hanton, Pete Best and Jimmie Nicol, and some you will not have heard of before. The Beatles' crises; changes of musical direction, getting a record deal, and finding the drummer who would put the beat into The Beatles: Ringo Starr, the Fourth Beatle. The story of all the 23 drummers Those who could have joined The Beatles, but didn't Expert analysis of the drummers by drummers Why Brian Epstein didn't sign the Beatles first contract Why The Beatles failed the Decca audition Were The Beatles under contract at Parlophone in June 62? Who was asked to replace Pete Best before Ringo Why Pete Best was not sacked/dismissed by Brian Epstein Why Ringo became the Fourth Beatle and inspired a generation of drummers

Book information

ISBN: 9783732398423
Publisher: Tredition Gmbh
Imprint: Tredition Gmbh
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 328
Weight: 836g
Height: 227mm
Width: 228mm
Spine width: 26mm