Surrealism in Belgium

Surrealism in Belgium The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie

Hardback (10 Dec 2015)

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Publisher's Synopsis

From the start, the Belgian Surrealists--among them Ren� Magritte, Paul Delvaux, Paul Noug�, E.L.T. Mesens and Marcel Mari�n--distinguished themselves from their Parisian counterparts with their dry wit, brilliant conceptualism and knack for combining the fantastical and the everyday (e.g., Magritte's bowler-hatted men, or Marcel Mari�n's iconic single-lensed spectacle), and their disinclination to issue Breton-style manifestos.
This revelatory volume celebrates the Surrealist movement in Belgium through a group of more than 250 paintings, drawings, photographs, prints and books by artists such as Rachel Baes, Paul Delvaux, Camille Goemans, Jane Graverol, Tom Gutt, Jacques Lacomblez, Ren� Magritte, Marcel Mari�n, Jacques Matton, Edouard (E.L.T.) Mesens, Paul Noug�, Gilbert Senecaut, Louis Scutenaire, Max Servais, Armand Simon, Andr� Stas Raoul Ubac, Louis Van de Spiegele, Rogier Van de Wouwer and Robert Willems.

Book information

ISBN: 9782930117430
Publisher: ARTBOOK | D.A.P.
Imprint: Marot
Pub date:
DEWEY: 709.493
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 159
Weight: 1383g
Height: 312mm
Width: 264mm
Spine width: 20mm