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Huysmans En Bref 2022-2

Huysmans En Bref 2022-2

Paperback (02 Mar 2022) | English,French

  • $84.05
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Publisher's Synopsis

Contributeurs: Marie-France Amara, Mohamed Yosri Ben Hemdene, Kelly Benoudis Basilio, Bertrand Bourgeois, Per Buvik, Alexandra Delattre, Aude Jeannerod, Alexia Kalantzis, Alexandre Leroy, Renaud Oulie, Florence Pettelat, Jerome Solal et Arnaud Vareille.

Book information

ISBN: 9782406111481
Publisher: Classiques Garnier
Imprint: Classiques Garnier
Pub date:
Language: English,French
Number of pages: 286
Weight: 3756g