Publisher's Synopsis
JESUS IS GOD. GOD IS LOVE. JESUS IS LOVE!"For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son. That whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved." - Saint John 3:16-17PRAISE JESUS CHRIST! Need Inspiration and Biblical-based ideals to accomplish every God-glorifying goal, aspiration, or dream? Look no further! The key to success in any endeavor is not just to begin, but to create a plan of attack that will ensure you attain unto the accomplishing of your heart's innate desires. In "Finish What You Start", author James McMorris II delivers "tried and true" Christian methods that will inspire, motivate, and uplift you as you persist in navigating the sometimes rocky terrain of successfully reaching the desired haven of your God-given destiny. "Finish What You Start" will prove to be every believers essential road map to accruing perpetual success in any God-glorifying aspiration, dream, or occupational endeavor. Remember to "start strong, but finish stronger". Enjoy! God Bless! .Also from James McMorris Jr. 'JESUS SAY'S We're on Our Way' and 'Fighting Forward'.