Publisher's Synopsis
This insightful account serves as an effective guide in understanding the fundamental mentalities that abound in our world and in knowing the various ways that they combine in the regulation of activities in our different societies.
We understand how the degree of our humanization and the influence that it has on our intellect and intuitive insight is determined by the conditional and unconditional instincts we develop. Imagine how judging from a man's belief system, his perception of the world around him, his plans, actions, and his self-restraint, we can determine his propensity for good or evil, creativity or automaticity, love or hate, joy or grief. Janvier Chouteu-Chando does a fascinating job of aiding the reader's "third eye" through this insightful account by leading us hand-in-hand through our world determined by power and control, and the mentalities that shape them. SOCIAL ENGINEERING: The World and the Microcosm of Africa dramatically changes your perception of the people around you and the world we live in.