Shanghai - A Year to Remember

Shanghai - A Year to Remember Learning the Meaning of Love, Loss, Hope and Friendship

Paperback (02 Jun 2018)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Shanghai - A city of 24 million people, anything can happen and will happen in Shanghai. The story of Anand, a China old hand who comes across, a few interesting people including, a long lost friend and how Anand's life changes after that. Things get interesting for with a bit romance, a bit vengeance, a lot of heartbreak and a dash of madness. The story is set in Shanghai but it can happen in Mumbai, London, or New York - Any densely polulated city and where coincidences are are the norm. This is definitely not a China book, but gives a glimpse into the life of a lonely man who has made China his home.

Book information

ISBN: 9781983059759
Publisher: Amazon Digital Services LLC - Kdp Print Us
Imprint: Independently Published
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 210
Height: 10mm
Width: 7mm
Spine width: 1mm