Publisher's Synopsis
This is a reproduction of the original book from 1882. The English Revisers' Greek Text Shown to be Unauthorized Except by Egyptian Copies Discarded By The Greeks And To Be Opposed To The Historic Text Of All Ages And ChurchesGeorge Whitefield SamsonG. W. Samson" Be wise as serpents and harmless as doves." The oft-rebuked Peter commends sincerely the misinterpreted epistles of his " beloved Brother Paul "; and declares them as authoritative as the Old Testament Scriptures. Earnest Jude writes to his fellow-disciples: " Ye should contend earnestly for the faith once delivered to the saints "; while, on the other hand, gentle John, in his last epistle, enjoins as to his juniors in age and his. uninspired fellow-laborers in a field remote from his: " We ought to receive such that we might be fellow-helpers to the truth." The differing views of Christian scholars and workers are needed to furnish both sides of counterpoising convictions essential in the quest for truth. The practical wisdom of the Bishop of St. Andrews, in his responsible charge, was designed to offset the speculative judgment of the scholar Tregelles formed in his cloistered study. The review not only has an occasion but also promise.