Publisher's Synopsis
Tracks the most successful shadowy conspirators from their origins 2,000 years ago right up to 21st Century America where their machinations have been honed to razor-sharp perfection, such that they can now hold an entire nation in their thrall while they rip us off under the guise of saving us from a horrendous fate. Their strategy is to create a State of Fear so that they can enslave us body and soul in order to steal our resources. They are sinister Shadow Puppets flashing us subliminally with their clever propaganda, then stealing our wallets while we stand helplessly frozen by vivid images of the cruel fate that awaits us if we don't follow their Svengali lead. By the time we snap out of our trance and uncover the truth, the Shadow Puppets have our money and our freedom and disappear back into the shadows to plot their next nefarious puppet show.