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Tracing Her Curves

Tracing Her Curves Sweet and Steamy Romance

Paperback (24 Oct 2017)

  • $18.80
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Publisher's Synopsis

By USA Today Bestselling Author, Lexy Timms, BBW Romance Series is a Sweet and Sexy Billionaire Romance series that will have you laughing, crying and wanting more. Sexy is not a size. Your value is not measured in pounds. BBW fashion icon, Kayla Reid has always been into fashion and everything to do with it. Growing up wasn't easy for her. A bigger girl trying to squeeze into the fashion world is like trying to suck an entire gelatin mold through a straw; possible, but difficult. She's finding her footing in business and in diving head first into love. How rocky can that road be? BBW Romance Series Capturing Her Beauty Pursuing Her Dreams Tracing Her Curves

Book information

ISBN: 9781979133746
Publisher: Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
Imprint: Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 214
Weight: 0g
Height: 229mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 11mm