Publisher's Synopsis
To face the face of fear, to confront their thoughts, to distance them from themselves, to accept the natural feelings in them as they were. The opposite of admiration was contempt. Anja is a stubborn woman and she realizes that nothing distances her more from her love than the fact of getting what she fancy and she is putting distances and shadows to the people who approach her. And yet she did not know the other side of love. There is no transparent face. The face we crave is always opaque. Opaque means literally, shaded. This negativity of shading is constitutive for appetite. Because one fancy the other and not the escape of the image that offers us the transparent screen of the computer, which admits no appetite. Just where the shadow is, there is also the shine. Shadows and shines inhabited the same space. Prologue: "In the context of a love relationship, it is sometimes necessary to lay a foundation for the relationship. You have to be very strong and be very prepared for the tremendous responsibility of love, if you want to live like this, without conditions, without having to open walls, without having to be owner. And above being able to say goodbye to that person, if you see that there is nothing left to say, it is very difficult. But today, for this reason, we live substitutions of love, we do not give ourselves completely, in short, "we put limits" that is not the same as putting defenses, because in the "limits," one filters, analyzes. Puts its capacity ahead, simply prioritizes. And it is necessary to put limits, above all, to be able to have a solid personality, not to be prey to the swings of life, for all that we set limits, to define reality and define us in our preferences. In a way to be mature too. And this is very important to know as well. And that reality is not black and white, that we have to distinguish the nuances, which we must let into our lives the gray tones as well. And if certain certainties fall, let the mystery enter too." And continues...: "Jesper and I had lived through a set of vulnerabilities and weaknesses that never allowed us to see things calmly or even with balance, but always unbalanced us."