Publisher's Synopsis
ADDICTION CRUCIFIXION FELLOWSHIP'S DAILY DEVOTIONALS is a daily source of inspiration and encouragement through God's Word to lead men and women who struggle with addictions to Salvation and sobriety through a closer personal relationship with Jesus Christ! Drunkenness is sin, and has become one of satan's most destructive sins against humanity that keeps the world in total darkness and chaos by keeping God's children away from His Truth and His plan for their Salvation! The world has been deceived by satan into believing that addictions are a disease that man can cure in 12 easy steps! The sin of drunkenness cannot be cured by any man except Jesus Christ! The ill-fated attempts of a fallen world to cure and end addictions are quickly destroying the very core of mankind, as man continues to reject and defy God's Truth!Addiction Crucifixion Fellowship has been sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ for 20 years with lost souls struggling with addictions both in and outside the Church! It is also our mission to expose the lies of the devil that are keeping millions of lost souls from becoming Saved and Sober! This 365-day devotional uses God's Word to address all of the topics, subjects, and issues that plague alcoholics and addicts, and the thousands of addiction recovery programs that are seemingly fighting a losing battle in their war against drugs and alcohol! Following Jesus Christ and God's Word is the only way to win this battle! I've written several other books designed to share The Gospel of Jesus Christ in the dark world of addictions that can be found at this Amazon address, ... https: // May God Bless each and every one who reads this Devotional, and finds Faith, Sobriety, and Salvation through The Holy Word of God, The Truth, and The Life! John 14:6 (KJV) Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.1 Corinthians 6:10 (KJV) Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.