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From Little Seeds to Great Fortunes

From Little Seeds to Great Fortunes The Magic of Long Term Investing! - My First Finance Coloring Book

Paperback (08 Sep 2023)

  • $10.54
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Publisher's Synopsis

Introduce your little one to the world of finance with the final book (Book 5) in the "My First Finance Coloring Book Series"!

In this book we use 20 child friendly lessons to explore the importance of time in regards to money and building wealth. We use the analogy of planting a single apple seed, which turns into an apple tree, and produces more apples to be turned into a whole orchard, to show the value of letting your money grow over time. We then discuss a new definition of money, which is that money is a way to buy time!

Your child will learn how the basics of long term investing while having fun coloring in the pages. This book is perfect for children ages 6-12 who are just starting to learn about money and finance, but enjoy an interactive learning model.

  • 20 fun lessons to help guide your child's understanding of money
  • Black and White pages for easy coloring!
  • 8.5 x 11" so there's plenty of room to draw!
  • Perfect gift for parents with young children

Book information

ISBN: 9781962543071
Publisher: My First Finance Book LLC
Imprint: My First Finance Book LLC
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 50
Weight: 141g
Height: 279mm
Width: 216mm
Spine width: 3mm