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Moonstreak and the Magical Museum

Moonstreak and the Magical Museum

Hardback (03 Dec 2023)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Moonstreak is a groundhog with half his heart tucked safely away in his cozy den, and the other half soaring in the sapphire sky with bright clouds and with planes.

Moonstreak, though not quite sure who he is, knows one thing for certain: he loves planes.

And he's lucky enough to live on the grounds of Midway Village Museum, in Rockford, Illinois-for inside its walls sleeps a glorious plane.

Moonstreak's fascination with the magnificent plane is perhaps too profound for his own good-for when it drives him through the museum's glittering doors, he finds himself lost in more ways than one.

To win an understanding of himself and his love for the enchanting treasures inside the museum,

Moonstreak must learn the secrets that Midway Village keeps-secrets shrouded by magical spells.

And if Moonstreak is ever to find his way back home, to his cozy den and the wide, brilliant sky, he'll need to rally his courage and gain the help of unexpected friends.

And to finally reach peace about where he belongs, he must discover what it means to be named.

Book information

ISBN: 9781961921245
Publisher: Lyridae Books
Imprint: Lyridae Books
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 98
Weight: 603g
Height: 279mm
Width: 216mm
Spine width: 11mm