《一二三》One Two Three

《一二三》One Two Three

Paperback (04 May 2022)

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Publisher's Synopsis

此书为中英双语版。《一二三》共 5 章,分别由 11,22,33,44 和 13 篇组成,共 123 篇,969 句。其中最短篇 39 字,最长篇 123 字,正文约 12000 字。它采用和发扬了三字经的形式,每句基本上分为上下两半句,共 12 字。每篇标题为三个字,大多数以第一句前三字为标题,少数以前三句头一字组合成标题,极少数以其中或最后三字为标题。 《一二三》吸收了中国文化的精华,如成语,诗句,常用语等,以吃穿住行能,安康福乐寿,真正创善美为主要中心思想,进行逐步论述,力求做到短小精炼,实用易懂,最终达到传承创新中国文化和推动世界和平发展的目标。如果这本书能够得到您的认可,或对您有所帮助,那将是作者最大的愿望! This is a bilingual book in Chinese and English. "One Two Three" consists of 5 chapters in total, comprising 11, 22, 33, 44, and 13 articles respectively, with 123 articles and 969 sentences. The shortest part is 39 words, the longest is 123 words, and the main text is about 12,000 words. It adopts and carries forward the form of the Three Character Classic, with each sentence basically divided into two halves, totalling 12 words. The title of each chapter contains mostly three characters, most of which are the first three characters of the first sentence, a few of which are combined together with the first character of the first three sentences, and a very few of which have the three characters at the end or in the middle part as titles. "One, Two, Three" absorbs the essence of Chinese culture, such as idioms, poems, common phrases, and the likes. It takes food, clothing, housing, transportation, health, happiness, longevity, and true creation of goodness and beauty as the main central ideas, and discusses them step by step, striving to be short and concise, practical and easy to understand, and ultimately achieving the goal of inheriting and innovating Chinese culture and promoting world peace and development. It would be the author's greatest wish if this book could be recognized by you, or be of help to you!

Book information

ISBN: 9781957144252
Publisher: Lulu Press
Imprint: Asian Culture Press
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 214
Weight: 254g
Height: 216mm
Width: 140mm
Spine width: 11mm