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Hi, I'm Socially Awkward

Hi, I'm Socially Awkward

Paperback (20 Apr 2023)

  • $18.22
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Publisher's Synopsis

Alex has always been awkward.

For 13-year-old Alex Heldisch, it's normal at this point. It doesn't make anything easier, but so far, seventh grade has been a breeze. Good grades, great friends, it's all perfect. The only problem at this point is her awkwardness. Every few sentences she seems to embarrass herself to the point of no return. Alex thinks her whole life will be a spiral of embarrassment, that is until she finds a mysterious candy store nearby. After going in, she's given a chance: A jellybean that will cure her awkwardness.

And after the worst thing possible that could've happened, Alex must decide.

Herself, or the jellybean.

Book information

ISBN: 9781956380293
Publisher: Society of Young Inklings, Inc
Imprint: Society of Young Inklings, Inc
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 238
Weight: 322g
Height: 229mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 13mm