Red Sticks

Red Sticks

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Publisher's Synopsis

A Note to the Reader,

"Are you aware of the consequences that will most certainly occur should your unraveling come up with the 'truth'? What will change in your life when you discover that what you learned, even as a youth, was a lie? Can you imagine a world in which there are no wrong doings, a place with worries of war simply being part of a fable, a country you live in who provides 'only for its own', the necessary comforts of life...all at no cost of labor nor coin?"

A war weary young America is now the target of a sinister plan that began in Her Capitol at the highest levels. We find ourselves with a President appointed by the House of Representatives, even though Andrew Jackson won the popular and electoral votes, but not by a clear majority.

Our story opens in 1827 and concludes during Andrew Jackson's tenure as this Country's seventh President. For you, dear reader, Red Sticks uses the historical residue to pump life back into the once living players of that time. Prepare to travel by air, above and under the sea, to "secret" submarine bases which existed; but, "you"(until now) never knew about them.

George Walker

Book information

ISBN: 9781955347778
Publisher: Goldtouch Press, LLC
Imprint: Goldtouch Press, LLC
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 410
Weight: 771g
Height: 229mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 27mm