Aligning Megalithic Sites of Southern England and Carnac, France with Groundwater Features: Aligning the Three Worlds

Aligning Megalithic Sites of Southern England and Carnac, France with Groundwater Features: Aligning the Three Worlds

Paperback (23 Feb 2022)

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Publisher's Synopsis

"This book discusses several megalithic sites in southern England and Carnac, France, and their relationship to areas of higher permeability (concentrated flows) within the groundwater. In spite of diverse beliefs and environments, as well as, during different historical periods, various aspects of cultural uniformity prevailed which are associated with this concept. Johnson and his colleagues have investigated sites throughout the United States, Canada, Peru and Chile, as well as, in Europe and East Africa. This data strongly suggests this was an ancient universal human concept which aligned the under, present and spiritual worlds. The English sites include Stonehenge, Avebury Complex, Maiden Castle, Carn Euny Iron Age Village, Drizzlecombe Stone Rows and Cerne Abbas Giant among others. The Carnac sites include the Méne, Kermario, Kerlescan Alignments, the Locmariaquer Megalithic Complex including La Table des Marchands Dolmen, Grand M

Book information

ISBN: 9781954744592
Publisher: Epigraph Books
Imprint: Epigraph Books
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 161
Weight: 522g
Height: 279mm
Width: 216mm
Spine width: 11mm