Things Are Shaking

Things Are Shaking - Invisible Magic Wand

Hardback (15 Nov 2021)

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Paperback (15 Nov 2021) $10.69

Publisher's Synopsis

Caspian shows his cousin Belinda how he uses his Invisible Magic Wand to Control Time.

(formerly Invisible Magic Wand to the Rescue) Belinda wants her own Invisible Magic Wand! Just as Grandpa gives her one, an earthquake shakes the house. Books topple from the case. The clock falls from the wall. Furniture topples.

Will the Wands help them escape from the house in time?

Book information

ISBN: 9781954519305
Publisher: Look Under Rocks
Imprint: Look Under Rocks
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 26
Weight: 286g
Height: 235mm
Width: 191mm
Spine width: 6mm