A Time of War

A Time of War The Inevitable Conflict Between the Church of Today and the Church of Tomorrow

Hardback (31 Aug 2021)

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Publisher's Synopsis

   The Future  
        Starts Now 

According to one song, "today is only yesterday's tomorrow"-which means that tomorrow starts today! But we aren't going to see our future by looking at the past. Yes, we need to celebrate and honor what has brought us to where we are. However, it will not be enough to get us to what God has in store. We need to let go of the old to receive the new. 

God's people have been here before-when the kingship of Israel passed from Saul to David. The Bible notes there was "a long war" between their two houses.  Between how things used to be, and how God really intended them to be. Between what God worked with and what He really wanted. We are there again, on the edge of a new thing that God wants to do in the earth. Sometimes, conflict is unavoidable. The only question is, which side will you be on? 

In A Time of War, you will see the lines drawn between what is and what is to come, and discover how you can be part of the exciting future God has in mind.  

Book information

ISBN: 9781954089433
Publisher: Avail
Imprint: Avail
Pub date:
DEWEY: 262.0017
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 210
Weight: 302g
Height: 228mm
Width: 6mm
Spine width: 152mm