Harvey the Owl Asks, "Why?"

Harvey the Owl Asks, "Why?"

Hardback (02 Feb 2022)

  • $22.14
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Publisher's Synopsis

A curious little owl struggles to find answers to his many questions, and why he is supposed to be hooting "who" like everyone else. Other owls call him the little "whys" guy. Harvey's mom begins to wonder too, "Why do owls hoot, 'who'?" Together they find answers in The Great Book of WHO--The Bible for Birds. Most importantly, they discover their creator, the Great WHO, who knows them by name and their divine purpose--to declare His great name to all who hear them!

Dare to think differently like Harvey, and find out how he brought a whole forest of owls together with one voice of praise.

Sing along to Praise to WHO by clicking the link below.

https: //www.google.com/search?q=praise+to+who

Book information

ISBN: 9781953913050
Publisher: Write for Kids
Imprint: Write for Kids
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 36
Weight: 294g
Height: 224mm
Width: 227mm
Spine width: 10mm