Kumon My Book of Simple Addition

Kumon My Book of Simple Addition Revised Ed

Paperback (15 Sep 2021)

  • $13.37
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Publisher's Synopsis

Your child's favorite workbooks just got upgraded, with new content and a new look! We took our Kumon Basic Skills Series and revised the content and covers after over 15 years of producing bestselling early learning materials. All of the revised Basic Skills workbooks will feature new activities, full-color images, and the same trusted Kumon learning method. Kumon Basic Skills workbooks ensure that children master pencil control skills with ease, so that they learn to love learning independently. Everything in our Basic Skills workbooks, from the sturdy paper to the engaging content, is designed with the best interests of your child in mind.

Book information

ISBN: 9781953845054
Publisher: Kumon Publishing North America
Imprint: Kumon Publishing North America
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 80
Weight: 272g
Height: 217mm
Width: 279mm
Spine width: 8mm