A Vampire's Redemption

A Vampire's Redemption - Inquisition Trilogy

Paperback (03 Jun 2019)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Marcus was likely dead, killed by the Inquisition, or so it was believed. Then the vampire was found, broken beyond words, in an isolated prison fortress. Marcus had never expected to see daylight again, let alone be rescued by his mate. Now he worries he'll drag Caleb into his darkness.

Caleb was the one who pulled Marcus out of his prison cell, and he's determined to drag him from the nightmares of his mind as well. After all, that's what mates are for, and Caleb had lost hope at finding his. And if he can help destroy the entire Inquisition? Well, all the better.

Dealing with Marcus's physical and mental healing from his trauma is difficult enough, but Inquisition holdouts are causing chaos everywhere, and sinister plots are rampant. Marcus and Caleb have no choice but to fight back. It's a good thing they are not alone.

Book information

ISBN: 9781950412822
Publisher: Ninestar Press, LLC
Imprint: Ninestar Press, LLC
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 454
Weight: 510g
Height: 129mm
Width: 202mm
Spine width: 32mm