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Uncomfortably Numb: a memoir about the life-altering diagnosis of multiple sclerosis

Uncomfortably Numb: a memoir about the life-altering diagnosis of multiple sclerosis

Paperback (03 Mar 2020)

  • $18.15
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Publisher's Synopsis

About losing one's life as it was once imagined, and the ultimate, uneasy peace that's achieved with the permanent uncertainty which accompanies living with a chronic illness.

It begins with numbness on her left leg. Then it spreads. Even though an MRI finds a "mass" on her brainstem, it takes two more years for Meredith O'Brien to learn what is causing that numbness. Months after her 65-year-old mother dies from a fast-moving cancer, weeks after her father is hospitalized and she experiences an unexpected job change, she learns she has multiple sclerosis.

Suddenly, Meredith, a married mother of three teens, has to figure out how to move forward into a life she no longer recognizes.

Reimagining her life as a writer and an educator, as a mother and a spouse, she has to adjust to the restrictions MS imposes on her.

It is a life, altered.

Book information

ISBN: 9781948018708
Publisher: Wyatt-MacKenzie Publishing
Imprint: Wyatt-MacKenzie Publishing
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 266
Weight: 340g
Height: 138mm
Width: 215mm
Spine width: 24mm