Publisher's Synopsis
After all the promises made by the five candidates in the 2015 election, have things in the City improved at all? To go along with an increasing crime rate, just two years ago, in the middle of Mayor Tony George's first term, a pair of researchers from Harvard & the University of British Columbia respectively, concluded that the Wilkes-Barre /Scranton metro area was the most unhappy place in the USA. That's not good! A recently retired County Coroner noted the death rate from drugs is four times higher than New York City. So, one could readily conclude that if Mayor George is happy with that, he would be the only one happy with how things are for the people of the Electric City. Nonetheless the Mayor has decided to give it a try for another four years.I, John Q. Doe, the most famous fictional character in the United States would be a great Mayor for the City of Wilkes-Barre. You bet I would. Moreover, the things I write about myself in this book in my quest for Mayor of Wilkes-Barre will make us all wish I were not a fictional character. The good news for Wilkes-Barre, however, is that I have written it all down. And, so, even if I were to drop out of the race tomorrow, any other candidate, from Brian Ferry, to George Brown, to Mayor Tony George himself, could use the John Doe Plan in this book as a guide. This plan is designed to make Wilkes-Barre the best City in the country if only I, John Q. Doe, could be elected. But, whether it is I, John Doe, or the guy next door, the citizens of Wilkes-Barre must learn how to pick the right person for Mayor of Wilkes-Barre. Residents must make sure that the same ole routine does not happen again in WB. Knowing what a good Mayor would do to create a better City, as I detail in this book, the people now can read about how the next Mayor can save the City. The message for the people of course is Do not settle for anything less. Elect John Q. Doe for Mayor. If Doe won't or can't serve, then, use the John Doe Plan, aka the WB City Plan as detailed in this book to find a proper Mayor. I, John Q. Doe, learned a lot from your author, Brian Kelly's 2015 Mayoral web site and Kelly's two great books from February 2019. In 2015, Kelly's book-Wilkes-Barre PA: Return to Glory, was also very popular. In 2019 as a primer for Wilkes-Barre citizens to know what to look for in a great Mayor, Kelly wrote two more books, the Ghost of Wilkes-Barre Future and a shorter version called Help for Tony George and the Next Mayor of Wilkes-Barre. In these new books the author outlines a comprehensive plan to make Wilkes-Barre a City about which we can all be proud. This book uses that guide and from it creates a to-do list for how to be a great Mayor of Wilkes-Barre. Having this book makes the voters' job easy. Pick the candidate who says he supports The John Doe Plan. Folks, it is that simple. This book is available to all the candidates. In total, I defined fifty points and subpoints. They will all happen when you make me, John Q. Doe, your next Mayor. Nobody-yes nobody-- has a better plan to offer Wilkes-Barre than yours truly, John Q. Doe. I am ready to move the City's gear box from reverse to forward, and folks, I already have my foot on the accelerator because I realize the citizens of this City have become impatient waiting for something good to happen. My major opponent, the current Mayor has not shown anything new yet. Has he decided to run Wilkes-Barre the same ole way rather than pursue the notion of a Safe City, a Clean city, and an Affordable city? I am hoping that I win the people's support. I have read the precepts behind a Safe city, a Clean City, and an Affordable City and I am adopting them as my own, a plan which Kelly calls the John Q. Doe Plan. I ask the people of Wilkes-Barre to trust that I will deliver as much as I can from this ambitious plan. I will be a full time Mayor. Then, we will have a much better City in which to live. Thank you. John Q. Doe for Mayor!