The Mountain Pass: A Zimbell House Anthology

The Mountain Pass: A Zimbell House Anthology

Paperback (11 Apr 2017)

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Publisher's Synopsis

The trials and tribulations of settling the western half of America over a hundred and fifty years ago are legendary. With the numerous mountain ranges came the inevitable need for the settlers to cross them. This premise is what prompted Zimbell House to create this anthology.

The Mountain Pass tells twelve such tales from the perspective of eleven new writers. Some are heart-wrenching, and others are humorous, but all give a glimpse of the courage and perseverance it took for these brave souls to make it through the mountain pass.

Featured Contributors:
Ben Fine
D. S. White
Don Noel
E. W. Farnsworth
J. Crayton Smith with Jonathan Smith
Marylee MacDonald
Sallie Moppert
Samantha Lucero
Shane Porteous
Shawn J. Wenger
Verleen Tucker

Zimbell House is dedicated to helping new writers become quaility authors.

Book information

ISBN: 9781945967610
Publisher: Zimbell House Publishing LLC
Imprint: Zimbell House Publishing LLC
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 246
Weight: 364g
Height: 151mm
Width: 229mm
Spine width: 18mm