Publisher's Synopsis
Each month during the school year, Areteem Institute hosts the online Zoom International Math League (ZIML) competitions. Students can compete in one of five divisions based on their age and mathematical level.
The ZIML monthly contest are held at https: // Varsity The top division. Covers material on the level of the last 10 questions on the AMC 12 and AIME level. This division is open to all age levels.
- Junior Varsity The second highest competition division. Covers material at the AMC 10/12 level and State/National MathCounts level. Note that material such as complex numbers, advanced trigonometry, and logarithms are not required at this level. This division is open to all age levels.
- High School (Division H) This division focuses on material from a standard high school curriculum. It covers topics up to and including pre-calculus. This division will serve as excellent practice for students preparing for the math portions of the SAT or ACT. This division is open to all age levels.
- Middle School (Division M) This division focuses on problem solving using math concepts from a standard middle school math curriculum. Covers material on the level of AMC 8 and School/Chapter MathCounts. This division is open to all students who have not started grade 9.
- Upper Elementary (Division E) This division focuses on advanced problem solving with mathematical concepts from upper elementary school. Covers material at a level comparable to MOEMS Division E. This division is open to all students who have not started grade 6.
- The complete Jr Varsity Division ZIML Competitions (20 questions per competition) from October 2017 to June 2018.
- The solutions for each of the competitions, including detailed work and helpful tricks.
- An appendix including the topics and knowledge points covered for Jr Varsity Division, a glossary including common mathematical terms, and answer keys for each of the competitions so students can easily check their work.