Publisher's Synopsis
God's Frozen Chosen is not a religious book-in that none of its key characters are immersed in conventional faith settings. Nevertheless, providence is an undergirding theme throughout. The story chronicles both the agony of tragic losses and the thrill of redemptive second chances-as beings embrace the "gifts" of providential interventions.This volume is the third installment in The War Baby and Miss Bizzy Belle series. It is yet another stark reminder that life is about fulfilling individual destinies. If attuned, inspiration often comes from the most unlikely of sources.The writer has his pivotal character, Walt Williamson say: "What a relief it is not to have to know everything all at once. Think of three words starting with the same letter. Being open to whatever, to whenever, and to wherever is the first step in embracing the possibilities-as their moments in time announce themselves."Those were not just random terms strewn together in a work of fiction. Rather the assertions are personal reflections of the author's own sentiments. Becoming a writer was not even a whatever possibility until it declared itself. God's Frozen Chosen is his third novel in the trilogy that includes The War Baby and Miss Bizzy Belle.Neither was being an accomplished photographer something he set out to do. His book Frozen in Time is a photo journal of some exceptional snapshots with poignant stories to go with them. One reader remarked that the author/photographer must have spent hours waiting to get some of the pictures. Johnson responded. "No-I just snapped what was right in front of me at the time."The author also had Walt say: "People have to be who they are. And some folks just do an outstanding job of being who they are." Then, he chuckled to himself, "Thank God, I am one of them." While most folks speculate about their significance and contemplate the nature of their being, Larry G. Johnson does not just stop there. He welcomes and grasps-whatever, whenever, and wherever-one moment at the time