Treoir Dragon Chronicles of the Belador™ World: Volume II, Books 4-6

Treoir Dragon Chronicles of the Belador™ World: Volume II, Books 4-6 - Treoir Dragon Chronicles of the Belador(tm) World Box Sets and Volumes

Hardback (16 Mar 2021)

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Publisher's Synopsis

New York Times Bestseller Dianna Love's new series in the Belador(TM) world continues with explosive changes as Treoir's dragon king and the Belador battle to save humanity from a preternatural predator.

In TÅμr Medb's library, Casidhe discovers she doesn't know Daegan at all. While Daegan battles to survive a satyr attack, a preternatural being offers him a chance to live, but at a price only a dying man would take. Reese is blindsided by the one person she thought she could depend upon at her worst moment. Atlanta is overrun by demons being created by an unknown supernatural with a hidden agenda and Daegan's time to save three Beladors facing execution by a VIPER Tribunal runs out.

"... an exciting, pulse pounding thriller." The Reading Café

"Excellent storytelling that is as breathtaking as it is enchanting!" Clare and Lou's Mad About Books

Book information

ISBN: 9781940651101
Publisher: Silver Hawk Press
Imprint: Silver Hawk Press
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 676
Weight: 1048g
Height: 229mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 37mm