What Does an Animal Eat?

What Does an Animal Eat? - I Wonder Why

Paperback (28 Feb 2013)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Kids who want to know all about animals will find this book fascinating. What Does an Animal Eat? offers insights into two special aspects of hungry animals: how their teeth and beaks offer clues to what they eat and the food chain's role in helping to make sure there's enough for all. Illustrated with detailed drawings, the book's simple explanations lay the foundation for a deeper understanding of animal adaptation and the need for human help to protect the food chain.

What Does an Animal Eat? is part of the I Wonder Why book series, written to ignite the curiosity of children in grades K-6 while encouraging them to become avid readers. These books explore the marvels of animals, plants, and other phenomena related to science and nature. Included in each edition is a Parent/Teacher Handbook with coordinating activities. The I Wonder Why series is written by an award-winning science educator and published by NSTA Kids, a division of NSTA Press.

Book information

ISBN: 9781936959464
Publisher: National Science Teaching Association
Imprint: NSTA Press
Pub date:
DEWEY: 664.66
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 32
Weight: 188g
Height: 250mm
Width: 236mm
Spine width: 4mm