Publisher's Synopsis
Bibles have been outlawed, free speech is nonexistent, art is being destroyed, and many Christians are being wrongfully imprisoned. This is not surprising since sorcerers and demons have taken control of our governments. However, we are not to lose hope because God is providing help for His children, some in the form of time-travel devices, special weapons, and even a magical suspension bridge. While organizing an Underground Army to save people from murder, torture, and unjust Population Control Laws, God's children must also run a race to save the Netherwind-Laurelstone Plantations and Schools. Helping with the efforts are the Gifted, such as an architect capable of opening up pockets within the earth that can support thousands upon thousands, and eidetic individuals who are memorizing books that have been banned. Blessedly, even genies and gnomes are getting involved, as well as our old standbys such as bigfoots, gargoyles, gryphons, and wind horses. Ages 12+
Clock Winders: Wind Horses and Horned Lions, Burnished Doves and Sky Serpents, Netherwind and Laurelstone, The Clock of the Universe, The Once and Forever Mountain