The Cannibal's Guide to Ethical Living

The Cannibal's Guide to Ethical Living

Paperback (15 Oct 2010)

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Publisher's Synopsis

In a remote and dangerous corner of the ocean, the renowned gourmet and food journalist Louis De Gustibus is held captive by an elite chef-and vegan cannibal-named André. But André would never eat his dear friend Louis. Andre only eats millionaires! Over a five star French meal of fine wine, organic vegetables and human flesh, a lunatic delivers a witty, chilling, disturbingly sane argument in favor of eating the rich. It's a darkly hilarious dessert to Pollan's The Omnivore's Dilemma and Foer's Eating Animals-a tale of good and evil, of rich and poor, of manners, madness and meat.

Book information

ISBN: 9781936383283
Publisher: Eraserhead Press
Imprint: Eraserhead Press
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 184
Weight: 262g
Height: 223mm
Width: 149mm
Spine width: 12mm