Publisher's Synopsis
An empowering, compassionate guidebook that will assist those in recovery who have been victimized by crime or a traumatic event in healing and rebuilding their lives without returning to addictive behaviors. Author is the executive director of the Victim/Witness Assistance Program in Harrisburg, PA, and the former full time director of the Statewide Pennsylvania Rights Coalition, where she was instrumental in the passing of inclusive hate crime legislation. . Jennifer Storm has built a solid readership with her memoirs, Blackout Girl: Growing Up and Drying Out in America (2008) and Leave the Light On: A Memoir of Recovery and Self-Discovery (2010), and this book will open up a new reader base of the thousands of crime victims who also suffer with substance abuse issues.. Picking up the Pieces without Picking Up is the only book to specifically address the healing process for victims of crime or traumatic events who are in recovery from addiction. . Jennifer Storm's numerous media appearances include frequent appearances on all major networks including, ABC, FOX, NBC, NPR, CBS and PBS as the spokesperson for victims' rights. She has been profiled and/or appeared in; We Magazine, Women Magazine, Rolling Stone Magazine, TIME Magazine, The Advocate, and Curve.